A concentrated massage working on nerve endings and muscular stress, foot reflexology focuses on the nerve endings to help circulation and stabilize the organ functions through pressure applied to reflex points on the feet which correspond to vital organs and glands in the body. Our therapist will provide you with a soothing, gentle hand reflexology, leg massage, and foot reflexology to reduce body tension, increase blood circulation, restore nerve function, and establish balance within the body.
Body massage is closely related to acupuncture in its use of the meridian system and is considered to be effective for a similar range of health problems. However it should not be seen as a poor relation to acupuncture. It is an effective and comprehensive therapy and is regarded alongside herbs, diet, qigong and one of the fundamental arts of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The development of the Chinese tradition came from the synergy between four groups, doctors who brought the sophisticated medical theories of TCM to massage, martial arts who combined deep experience of Qi with great ability to heal injuries, Buddhist and Taoist adepts who used massage as an essential support to their spiritual yoga and laymen often blind practitioners offering massage for pleasure and relaxation.
Massage affects not only the physical body but also the Qi body (the network of channels and points) and the mental body (emotions, thoughts and spiritual faculties). Since both physical and mental health those are depended on a smooth and abundant flow of Qi, massage can effectively treat all three levels.
Massage also relaxes the Jin (sometimes mistranslated as tendons, Jin actually refers to the function of all soft and connective tissue in relation to movement and flexibility) to ease spasm and increase flexibility and straightens the joints. Both Jin and joints closely affect the flow of Qi in the Jing Luo (the Meridian System).
What is particularly interesting is that these effects create movement in one form or another. Since in TCM terms pain is simply a lack of free flow of Qi and blood, this is why Chinese Massage is such a powerful treatment for pain.
Broadly speaking Shou Fa is classified into Yin (sedating) and Yang (stimulating). However each technique is further classified according the therapeutic principles it achieves. For example Mo Fa (rubbing) stimulates yang Qi, Tui Fa (pushing) regulates counter-flow.
The massage therapist has other tools to draw on. Shou Fa can be applied to particular areas, channels, acupoints or ashi points achieving similar results to acupuncture needles. They can also be applied in different directions. Working with or against the flow of the channels, towards or out from the Dan Tian, clockwise or counter clockwise, all have different effects.
Equally important is the way the techniques are carried out. Chinese sources say that the Shou Fa must be gentle and soft yet deep and penetrating. The strokes must be applied rhythmically and persistently. The controlled use of very deep, moving pressure is one of the secrets of Tuina massage. A Tuina therapist might spend the same time on one frozen shoulder as a western masseur would spend on an entire body treatment. The repeated application of a single technique many hundreds of times with deep penetration and Qi communication is often termed "finger meditation".
Bian Stone Therapy is one of the humanity's oldest medical practices. It is recorded in Huangdi Neijing, an ancient Chinese medical book, that there were six medical skills in the complete system of Chinese traditional medicine, i.e. bian stone, acupuncture, moxibustion, medicinal herbs, breathing exercise/qi gong and massage. Famous Chinese doctors in ancient time Bian Que and Taicang Gong were the master hands of bian stone therapeutics.
The bian stone technique refers to the use of stone-based equipment to perform massaging, guasha and other operations on human body skin surfaces according to the Traditional Chinese medical and therapeutic theories such as the Meridian system theory. Bian stone healing was interrupted for thousands of years only because this kind of rare and magic stone became very scarce and extremely difficult to find as transport was not very accessible at that time. The source of the material for making bian stone has been identified as Sibin Floating Stone which was re-discovered in the year of 2007. The content of radioactive and harmful material in Sibin stone is very low, which means Sibin stone is safe for use. Sibin stone has microcrystalline structure of less than 0.03mm. It feels comfortable when human body is rubbed by Sibin stone.